Why Hindu Religious Rituals are Important: A Message to Non-Resident Indians (NRI)
To ultimately get the blessings of God is the principal importance of Hindu rituals. When God is pleased with Hindus validating their devotion, God showers blessings upon them. Most of these rituals are performed in holy sites such as places of nature and temples. A number of rituals may be performed in the home. Some rituals are performed daily, most especially during the two most important times of dawn and dusk. Rituals, prayers, and sacred ceremonies are manifestations of devotion to God. Rituals in the form of respectful homages to the dearly departed members of the family and ancestors or forefathers are also ultimate forms of devotion to God through fully practicing being Hindu devotees.
Some Hindu worshippers perform ceremonial rituals before their very own dedicated home shrines or altars. Prayers or poojas are a central part of the Hindu devotee’s life. Most Hindu followers perform their prayers at shrines or temples and with the aid of Hindu priests who are presented with offerings to the gods. These offerings become sacred and are considered as grace or prasada of the Divine Being.
Non-resident Indians (NRI’s) who have been influenced by foreign cultures tend to skip traditional Hindu rituals that have been practiced since the time of ancestors. Lifestyle changes and a shift in priorities have made some of them forget how it is to be strictly devoted followers of the Hindu religion. But the right path to a better life, peaceful minds, and peaceful relations with fellowmen lies in the strict adherence to the philosophical tenets and sacred beliefs of religion. In the rituals that are prescribed in Hindu sacred texts such as the Vedas is found the overall spiritual betterment and growth of human beings.
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